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If you are on this page, it is likely because you love to read, hopefully as much as I love to write.  Please wander through my collection of books and see if perhaps there is something there that grabs your interest.  I have a variety of works abvailable in different genres.  Hopefully some of them will be right down you alley.  


The Event--The Genesis Particle  

(ISBN: 1503348032)


     It has been almost five years since the day a gentle breeze ushered in the Event. In that awful moment, most of humanity dissolved into a rusty, sandy residue, captured in mid-moment as they went about their everyday chores. Along with them the modern trappings of this world also vanished, for there was no one remaining to monitor the dams, generator plants, communication facilities, transportation facilities and infrastructure of modern civilization. The fraction of humanity who survived were faced with finding each other and rebuilding a life void of all the rules, laws, and customs of society. Small groups of people gravitated together to form communities numbering mere dozens of people. New morals, customs, and priorities were established as they attempted to survive. 
     One questions was forefront in their minds. It was the first questioned asked when they encounter each other. It was; “What happened?” The fourth book in The Event series, The Genesis Particle, finally provides the answer to that question. Slowly the survivors realized they had been changed, altered. The found that not every female was fertile. Two-thirds of the surviving females had been rendered barren. The implication of that effect was astounding, especially in a world where survival of the human race depended on procreation of the species. 
     Therefore, when it was discovered, in The Event—The Genesis Particle, that a surviving scientist not only knew the cause of the dissolution of humans across the world, but he also had the cure to the infertility, it became paramount that he be gathered into the safety of the Ranger Republic, where he could be protected and encouraged to complete his research and hopefully reverse infertility in the females


The Event--A Matter of Faith  

(ISBN: 1503348032)


      In The Event--A Matter of Faith, the impact of religion on the fragile survivors of the apocalyptic event, which they have named ‘The Event’ is addressed. As they work to survive, they also search for an explanation of just what it is that has happened to them. What is it that caused almost everybody on earth to morph into a rusty pile of residue? When some of the survivors determine human reason simply is not enough, when it falls short, that’s the point where some of the survivors turn to God, who provides the only explanation. 
      However, we find in The Event--A Matter of Faith that man’s understanding of God is as varied as the person searching for him. To some he is a deliverer and a giver of hope. To others he is a judge who has condemned the world to perish, except for God’s selected true remnant. And, to some God is non-existent, a farce, a crutch for the weak, and a joke. In a world where society has vanished, we find faith in God has not. However, it’s the nature of that faith which becomes the setting of The Event--A Matter of Faith.


The Event--Down From the Tower  

(ISBN: 1500905119)


        What do you do after you realize the rest of the world has vanished?  First, you make sure you are alone.  Dan Jackson woke up one morning and everyone he knew had been morphed into a pile of rusty colored sandy residue.  It happened in the instant of the blink of an eye as he slept.  In the first book of this series, The Event—Apocalypse Dawning, Dan searched to see if there was by chance another living being. To his relief he found a young girl named Willy.  After taking stock of their situation they struck out to reclaim their world and their lives, which they realize also means they needed to repopulate the world.  This was not without personal ethical and moral conflict and very real physical hurdles.

        In the second instalment of the series: The Event—Down From the Tower, Dan and his young partner, Willy, establish a small community of survivors, only to find there are other larger and dangerous groups reaching out to find them.  Led by an egotistical tyrant going by the title of The Colonel, a paramilitary group seeks to overpower the small contingent at The Tower and enlist their women in a plan to populate and grow a personal army. In addition, the world’s great buildings and creations, as well as the infrastructure, created by mankind is deteriorating around them from the lack of attention of a vanished population.  The survival of the small community located in the Tower and the future of society, as they once knew it, depends on how they confront these challenges.



The Event--Apocalypse Dawning

(ISBN: 1499105614)

        Dan Jackson wakes up one morning and he is faced with the task of living without the rest of humanity.  At first he finds he has an abundance of everything. All the goods in all the stores, every vehicle made, all the mansions and penthouses are his toys, now.  In effect he owns the world.  He encounters one other person, a female. He is faced with the question as to the nature of courtship when there is only one female and you are the only male.

        He also discovers man is no longer the dominant species on earth. He is now a just another member of the food chain. Predators such as wolves now rule the land, predators who have no fear of humans.

        In The Event--Apocalypse Dawning, Dan Boutwell weaves a tale which challenges human capability and intelligence, adding a twist on the usual apocalyptic or survivalist tale, causing the reader to consider “what if”


First Told Tales

ISBN: 978-1495277610

        Since the dawn of time man has been scribbling his stories on walls and crude parchments, which have been rolled and tucked into crevices for future minds to discover and read.  It seems we have a compulsion to share our stories with other people.

       In the spirit of story tellers down through the ages, Dan Boutwell has spun his yarns pulling the listener/reader into the web of imagination, experienceing the full range of human emotion and ezperience.  The  stories included in First Told Tales adderess situations which draw on the nobelest of human character, when faced with conflicts, whether it be the heat of battle or an inner battle with one's own soul.

       Easy to read, these twenty short stories permit the reader to escape for just a moment into the world of imagination.

Spam Hummer, P.I.

ISBN: 978-1495920127

        Spam Hummer lives the life of a 1950s private-eye. With his girl Friday, Cassidy, his buddy on the police force, Dave Frisco, and a mentor who owns Hannity's Bar. Spam takes on the cases that wander through the doorway of his one room office. Spam Hummer, P.I, takes the reader back to the days when detective stories were voiced over the radio and paperback books detailing their adventures could be purchased for 25 cents.

        After writing eighteen stories about Spam and his friends, the author, Dan Boutwell, felt they needed to be shared with the rest of the world, resulting in the compilation of this series of “capers”, each one being introduced by an editor who fills the roll of the speak-over narrator of the old television series. So, let me introduce to you, within the pages of this work, Spam Hummer, P.I.

The Morpheus Domain--The Talisman

ISBN: 978-3-8454-4579-3

        The Morpheus Domain embraces the awe and wonder of what we know as being truly science-fiction. It proposes a world with a parallel dimension, which can be accessed only by the aid of an enchanted emerald talisman. Mentored by the mythical Morpheus (the god of dreams) a few selected mortals are granted access to this dream realm. In the Morpheus Domain a person can move about without the interference of the physical laws of science which constrain the rest of the world. 
     The Morpheus Domain, which is governed by an elusive Board of Directors called the Consortium, is a place almost void of human activity. Morphans, who are few in number, roam the Domain virtually alone. Rarely do they ever encounter another Morphan. They are by the great part, unaware other Morphans even exist.
     Introduced into the Morpheus Domain are our hero, Derrick Jones, who is an novice Morphan, an enforcer named Jericho, who as a lawman administers justice to rogue Morphans, and Regina, a psychopathic vixen who uses the Domain to server her wicked purpose. We now have a recipe for an exciting action filled experience.


Across the River

ISBN: 978-1499105612

The mind is a wonderful thing. Given a handful of facts and our imaginations, we can reintroduce ourselves to people from our past. I introduce Alexander Boutwell to you in the pages of Across the River. In my imagination he lives again. Alexander was a real person and he lived a life exemplifying the Wild West during the later part of the 19th century.

        In the midst of this early frontier development, the United States struggled through the internal conflict of the Civil War. Into this world Alexander Boutwell lived and made his mark on the Town of Gainesville, Texas and Burneyville, Indian Territory. As he did, he became a footnote in history.

        This is his story.


The Day The Towers Fell

ISBN: 978-1499105612

        On the day the Twin Towers collapsed we were all in shock. We did not know much about the Taliban or Al-Qaeda. The idea that someone, anyone, would actually carry out a terrorist attack of this magnitude on the US homeland was foreign to the minds of most Americans. On that day, we went about our business doing the things that made our lives typically American.

        Businessmen were engaged in business, tourist went sight-seeing, and the labor force that cared for the infrastructure performed their menial jobs. Within the midst of it all extended two magnificent engineering and architectural accomplishments — the Twin Towers.  

        In a matter of minutes they were gone. We were left with the horror of watching them fall. And we were left with the memory of that very moment. Forever, our lives will carry the memory of where we were on The Day The Towers Fell.


Serve Wtih Pride & Return With Honor

ISBN: 978-1491851520

        On August 23, 1967, Major Mo Baker, after flying sixty-one missions, was shot out of the sky over North Vietnam. Thus began a five and a half year ordeal of survival in the prisons of North Vietnam, including the infamous Hanoi Hilton. The book chronicles Major Baker's journey to the skies over Hanoi and his brutal existence as an Air Force Prisoner of War.

        Torture, neglect, mistreatment, and humiliation was a staple of his years serving as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese. Eventually, Mo was released. In the forty year interval between then and now, his memories have been as vignettes and the focus of impromptu talks. Serve With Pride & Return With Honor now assembles these memories in a concise and comprehensive account.

        Dan Boutwell collaborated with Colonel Baker in the preparation of this chronicle.   The memory of flying wing tip to wing tip with them will forever be recorded in this volume for they were among the ones who Served With Pride & Returned With Honor.


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